What about building a business around your passion? Or do you have particular expertise with a specific product making you an ideal agent for certain product ranges?

Or do you have an existing business in a specific sector and are ideally placed to build up new revenue streams with products related to what you are already selling?

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to grow your income and build new income streams with opportunities you are ideally suited for. No more applying to everything and hoping for the best and ending up with something you don’t like.

Below we have listed links to pages for particular interests and skills. On each of these pages you will also have the opportunity to register as a member with us. As a member our team will hunt high and low for the best new income opportunities for you and your business.

Make your passion your business

Sales agent opportunities often offer great flexibility so you can start a side-hustle working in the industry you love. It’s of course also entirely possible to build a full-time business or expend your existing business by selling products that you have a true passion for.

A great passion and knowledge within a certain subject can often also be an effective substitute or addition to sales experience.

Business opportunities for the golf fanatics

Are you an avid golfer? What about talking golf all day and building a network with other golf lovers, and earn a good income doing it.

A great start would be to get agency rights for a golfing product and become their sales agent.

We have made this page just for you: salesagents.uk/business-opportunities-golf

Business opportunities for car enthusiasts

Do you know everything about cars and talk cars to everybody that wants to listen without earning an income from it? Time to change that!

We have collected sales and agency opportunities in the car sector for you here: salesagents.uk/business-opportunities-cars

Business opportunities in the luxury sector

Do you like the taste of luxury and have an ambitions to mingle among the rich and famous? Building a business selling luxury products is a good start. There are often great margins and commissions on these products and luxury never goes out of style.

We have made just the page for you here: salesagents.uk/sell-to-the-rich-and-famous

Business opportunities in the beauty sector

Are you always up to date on the latest developments and news in the beauty sector? Why don’t you make a business out of your knowledge and start as an agent for some beauty brands you believe in based on your experience.

We have a constant influx of sales and business opportunities in the beauty sector. You can check them out here: salesagents.uk/build-a-beautiful-business

Business opportunities in sports & outdoor

Do you love outdoor activities? You are not alone as there is a growing market demand for all kinds of equipment for making outdoor activities as enjoyable as possible. Everything from cycling, fishing, camping, and so on.

Salesagents.uk has a constant influx of opportunities that are perfect for business oriented sport & outdoor enthusiasts. Check them out here: salesagents.uk/business-opportunities-in-sports-outdoor

Business opportunities in the beverage sector

Can you pass the wine tasting challenge, match the right gin with the right tonic, and tell different ales apart? There are a lot of great opportunities in the beverage sector. Everything from new coffee brands to the latest and trendiest liquor brands are looking for sales partners.

If you have knowledge and interest about what makes a great beverage you can be the partner they need.

We have collected sales and agencies opportunities in the beverage sector here: salesagents.uk/introduce-new-drinks-to-a-thirsty-market

Business opportunities for animal lovers

Do you have a passion for the well-being of animals? By selling products for animals you’ll surround yourself with like-minded individuals and make a contribution to animal welfare. Start a side-business, expand your existing business, or build a full-time business promoting animal products that you believe animals will love.

We have made this page just for you: salesagents.uk/business-opportunities-for-animal-lovers

Sweet business opportunities

Do you have a sweet tooth? Make a business out of it. If you love chocolates, confectionery, and other kinds of candy and sweets you should know that there are several brands in this sector that would like you to sell for them. Maybe they will even send you some products samples for you to enjoy.

Here is the page for you: salesagents.uk/sweet-business-opportunities

Excel as an industry specialist

There are certain industries that are overflowing with demand for independent agents. If you have the right industry experience, you will have a great selection of opportunities to choose from – and sometimes you can even combine a few opportunities multiplying your earning potential.

Business opportunities in the furniture sector

Furniture manufactures and distributors have an everlasting need for sales professionals with experience in the furniture market. As an agent you have the added advantage that you can work for several brands simultaneously (as long as they are not in direct competition).

Check the latest business opportunities in the furniture sector here: salesagents.uk/uk-furniture-agents

Sell software and applications

Very often great software developers are lousy sales people. That’s where you come in. If you have a decent understanding of software and app development and great sales skills, then you are sure to be in demand.

Here is the page for you: salesagents.uk/software-doesnt-sell-itself

Business opportunities in the gift market

Gifts are always popular and new products meant to be the perfect gift keeps coming to market. These companies often require help from professional agents. If you are an agent in the gift market you will have a good selection of opportunities to choose from.

We have made this page for you: salesagents.uk/sell-the-perfect-gift

Sell energy cost-cutting products & services

Energy costs are sky-rocketing and any product or service that are likely to reduce energy cost will be well received among customers.

We have collected a selection of different business opportunities that fit this description here: salesagents.uk/earn-money-while-helping-others-cut-energy-costs

Products for children and toddlers

Babies keep being born and parents wants what’s best for their children. The market for quality products for babies, toddlers, and children will never disappear. Everything from clothing, accessories, and toys will always be in demand.

Ready to build a product portefolio of good products you can sell? We have made this page for you: salesagents.uk/products-for-children

Business opportunities telecom sector

All companies need a telecom provider making the telecom market a large and competitive market. Skilled sales agents with the knowledge of the telecom business are always in great demand – and you will never run out of new prospects to sell to.

Find opportunities in the telecom sector here: salesagents.uk/sell-what-every-business-needs

Sell advertising space

A lot of companies rely on advertising revenue to keep the wheels turning. Advertising sales professionals are therefore in great demand. As an independent agent you have the added benefit that you can build your own portfolio of advertising channels and offer businesses advertising spaces in several channels. Selling advertising is often also ideal as a work from anywhere you like opportunity, as sales communication is mostly over the phone and web meetings.

You will find a number of companies looking for agents to sell advertising space here: salesagents.uk/sell-advertising-space

Sales Agents in the garden sector

People’s interest in investing in their own home and garden has increased substantially over the last few years. If you are currently an agent selling to garden centres and in the garden sector generally, you are in great demand!

Check out the latest sales and business opportunities in the garden sector here: salesagents.uk/sales-agents-garden-sector

Payment providers looking for agents

Payment solutions and merchant services are in-demand with a huge target market. And many of them are using Salesagents.uk to compete for the very best agents and sales partners.

If you are good at selling payment solutions you will be very attractive to these companies.

Check them out here: salesagents.uk/payment-providers

Business opportunities within fashion, apparel, and textiles

The sales agent model is widely used in the fashion industry. If you can offer the combination of sales skills with knowledge of fashion and clothing you will be an attractive partner for established and up-and-coming fashion brands.

We have a number of opportunities you can check out right now here: salesagents.uk/fashion

Represent foreign companies in the UK

The UK is an attractive market for foreign companies and they will be very interested in connecting with agents and distributors that can successfully represent them as a local partner. If you have the right experience you can sometimes get exclusivity nationwide and be an acting country manager. We have a good number of foreign companies searching for agents through salesagents.uk.

Represent German companies in the UK

Germany is one of the largest trading partners of the UK. Thousands of German companies rely on professional UK sales agents to represent them in the British market. If you are familiar with German business culture, you will be in great demand for German companies eager to enter the UK.

Check out the latest German companies looking for UK representatives here: salesagents.uk/represent-german-companies-in-the-uk

Represent Spanish companies in the UK

Spain is obviously one of the most popular travel destinations for Brits. But not equally obvious is that Spanish companies consider UK one of the most attractive markets to enter when expending outside their home country.

If you like Spain and would like to represent Spanish companies in the UK we have made just the page for you: salesagents.uk/represent-spanish-companies-in-the-uk