
Location: London / Midlands / North West / Northern Ireland / Yorkshire

Target Markets: Other

Benefits: Innovative product / service

Commission: to be discussed with agent after interest expressed by agent

Deal Size: £100 - £1000

Sales Type: Field sales (physical meetings)

We sell products related to Dyslexia and want to target prisons in the UK. The ideal candidate(s) will have links to prisons in the UK.

We can come to some sort of arrangement where a fee is paid per prisoner or whatever works best for both of us.


We sell specialised glasses for Dyslexia and the prison population has a high number with this condition. So our service we feel is ideal.


  • Innovative product / service

    To our understanding no one else offers the service we do in prisons

Target market

The prison population within the UK who are Dyslexic. An agent with links to prisons would be perfect for us.

Premium opportunities

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Ideal Profile

The ideal candidate(s) have a strong history of doing business with the key decision maker(s) within prisons or their parent company.

You won’t be selling over and over again. Once the introduction is made and the prison is happy to work with us, your work is done.

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