At, we closely monitor the responses and success rates of all opportunities listed on our platform. It’s a well-known fact that the attractiveness of an opportunity significantly influences the number of agents who choose to apply once they’ve discovered it. That’s precisely why we work closely with our clients to make their opportunities as appealing to top agents as possible.

However, enhancing the appeal is only part of the equation; it’s of little consequence if we don’t first capture the attention of the top-quality agents you’re aiming to attract.

So, here is a sneak peek, a behind-the-scenes look at the measures we take to ensure the best agents find and consider your specific opportunity as a premium client.

Ad Placement: Maximising Visibility

The opportunities page is the most visited section on, attracting sales professionals and agents in search of new products and services to sell. This is the page we market the most, given that our main audience comprises sales professionals and agents eager for new opportunities.

With well over 700 listed opportunities, the importance of order placement cannot be overstated. While an unemployed job seeker might have the time to sift through hundreds of adverts, the type of high-caliber candidate you’re seeking does not have that luxury. The best agents are busy, necessitating the need to capture their attention swiftly. If your listing is not positioned near the top of the page, it will go unnoticed.

Reflecting on the old joke that the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google, the same principle applies here. Being highly visible on the first page is crucial – which is why, for all our Premium clients, we ensure their opportunities are regularly moved to the top of the page.

Promotion Pages – Connecting with Specialised Candidates

This is a relatively new strategy we started employing in the first quarter of 2024. We’ve developed 15+ dedicated promotion pages aimed at targeting niche candidates. For instance, there are promising candidates out there who are more likely to engage with a link about “high ticket sales” because it aligns with their area of expertise, rather than a more generic “sales agent” term. To attract these specialized candidates, we’ve launched numerous niche pages that cater precisely to their interests. The opportunities listed on these pages link back to, granting our premium clients additional exposure to qualified candidates. For example, you can visit to see an example of a promotion page.

But that’s just the beginning; we have many more specific pages, each tailored to different sectors like telesales opportunities, advertisement sales, building products, fashion and accessories, retail, payment solutions, gift-market, cost-saving products/services, furniture, software, and so on. By marketing these pages to niche audiences, we’re able to draw in visitors who might be more challenging to reach through our general sales agent branding. If you’re a Premium advertiser, we’ll feature your opportunity on at least two relevant promotion pages, ensuring your listing catches the eye of the most suitable candidates.

Newsletter – Directly Reaching Professional Agents’ Inboxes

Our newsletter is a significant component of the premium service, reaching over 10,000 agents. Being featured in our newsletter greatly enhances your visibility among potential candidates.

Our dedication to monitoring the effectiveness of our strategies has led us to analyse five years of data, involving tens of thousands of applications. We’ve carefully analysed this data, removing a small number of entries from spammers to ensure accuracy, which allowed us to identify patterns and discern the most effective times for engagement with genuine candidates.

Here’s a breakdown of our findings regarding the days of the week when applications peak:

  1. Thursday: 19.50%
  2. Wednesday: 17.46%
  3. Monday: 16.06%
  4. Tuesday: 15.99%
  5. Friday: 13.93%
  6. Sunday: 9.03%
  7. Saturday: 8.02%

Initially, we were intrigued by Thursday having the lead, but then we realized its alignment with our normal newsletter’s distribution day, demonstrating the newsletter’s impact on getting candidates to apply.

We are also breaking down all sorts of other statistics to discover areas of improvement. One of the less useful is the times of the day when our clients are most likely to get new candidates.

  1. 12:00 – 16:00: 29.08%
  2. 08:00 – 12:00: 25.54%
  3. 16:00 – 20:00: 20.42%
  4. 20:00 – 24:00: 15.40%
  5. 00:00 – 04:00: 4.86%
  6. 04:00 – 08:00: 4.71%

Social Media Sharing and Promotion

We’re very active on social media. The platform we use the most is LinkedIn, where our followers and presence have grown steadily week-by-week for many years. In addition to LinkedIn, our pages and groups on other platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram are updated daily. If you’re on the Premium service, we’ll share and promote your opportunity on all our own pages and groups across these social media platforms.

But we take it one step further. Our team members and head-hunters are also members of a number of closed groups for agents and industry professionals that we do not administer. We go into these groups and, with the permission of the administrator, promote your opportunity if the group has a relevant audience. This ensures that your opportunity is not only shared widely across our channels but also gets targeted exposure in communities where it’s most likely to be seen by the right candidates.

Targeted head-hunting

Lastly, but certainly not least, we engage in targeted head-hunting for our Premium clients. Once you sign up for our Premium service, we initiate an in-depth manual search within our databases and broader network to compile a list of potential candidates. This means our head-hunters don’t just rely on digital tools; they personally pick up the phone and call these candidates to pitch your opportunity directly. If we don’t reach them on the phone, we follow up with a personalized email.

This hands-on approach is far from automated—it’s rooted in genuine, old-fashioned hard work by our team, aimed at establishing the best possible rapport with candidates who are likely to be a perfect match for you.

Our head-hunters are more than recruiters; they’re your dedicated partners in this search, equipped with deep industry connections and a knack for identifying the right talent. They’re compensated hourly, reflecting the focused and deliberate effort they invest in each search. This ensures that every month you subscribe, you benefit from their attention and expertise.

The Premium Service

At a competitive price of £450 per month—a rate we’ve maintained for seven years—our Premium service is designed to deliver exceptional service without compromising on affordability. Our common goal is to achieve the fastest results possible for you. It’s quite possible to find all the agents you need within the first month. However, should you need more time, we encourage you to trust the process and our dedicated efforts. Continuing your subscription allows your dedicated head-hunter and our promotion team to devote additional hours to your search, thereby enhancing your chances of success.

We understand the importance of flexibility in business, which is why our service is built around your control. Whether you wish to pause, downgrade, upgrade, or cancel, you can do so easily from your dashboard. Our commitment to providing maximum value at a reasonable cost is unwavering. We aim to help your business grow by connecting you with professional sales agents, driving your sales forward with speed and efficiency.

Ready to start your search for commission-based sales agents? You can get started within a few minutes by making an order here:

Still having doubts? You can get a further sneak peek into what awaits you after you have registered here:

Any questions? We are happy to hear from you, contact us here.