Free Sales Hacks to Find New Sales Leads

The internet has revolutionized how we find sales leads. Whether you’re a sales agent or a small business owner, there’s no longer an excuse for struggling to find new prospects. Sure, offline methods like referrals are still gold, but they can take more effort.

Joe Girard, who proudly (and rightfully) held the title of “World’s Greatest Salesman” according to both himself and the Guinness Book of World Records, turned referrals into an art form. He paid his “bird dogs” (yes, that’s what he actually called his referrers) $50 for every lead that resulted in a sale, a system he credited for his massive success in the book How to Sell Anything to Anybody. Even though it was published in 1978, few today take referrals as seriously as Girard did.

Girard didn’t just ask satisfied customers for referrals—he incentivized them and had a system for consistent follow-ups. If someone on his list hadn’t sent him a prospect in a while, he’d give them a friendly reminder call. Today, this strategy can be amplified with online tools. Just look at how Dropbox’s referral program and Amazon’s affiliate system have contributed to their success.

But let’s talk about simpler, more accessible “hacks” to generate leads—tactics that anyone can use, even if you’re a one-person show with the tech skills of a goldfish (no offense to goldfish).

We’d love to hear your suggestions! If you’ve got a lead generation hack, drop it in the form below. If we include it in our list, we’ll find a way to thank you.

Let’s dive into some free sales hacks to find leads:

Mirror Your Most Profitable Customers

Start by making a list of your most profitable clients. Dig into their details: industry, turnover, location, and so on. You might spot patterns that reveal new target markets.

Once you’ve got that list, head over to and enter their website URLs. This tool will show you similar websites, giving you a fresh batch of relevant leads. There are other tools out there for this, but is free and easy to use, which is why it’s on our list.

Set Up Google Alerts

Google isn’t just for searching—it can also help you find leads. Set up Google Alerts for industry-related keywords. For example, we have alerts set for terms like “commercial agent,” “sales agents”, “franchises” and so on.. A few times a year, we get notified about news stories that turn into potential leads we might have missed otherwise.

You can tailor alerts to your industry, and Google will send you updates straight to your inbox. It’s a simple way to stay informed and find new prospects. Plus, Google has some cool tricks up its sleeve. You can search for specific file types (like PDFs, Excel files, etc.) that might contain valuable lists of prospects—say, from an industry conference.

Engage in Relevant Online Communities

Ever thought about the hidden treasure troves of leads lurking in online communities? Picture this: industry-specific forums, Reddit threads, Facebook groups, and LinkedIn groups are buzzing with potential customers just waiting to hear from someone who knows their stuff. Spoiler alert: that could be you!

Don’t just jump in and start shouting about how awesome your product or service is. Instead, focus on offering genuine advice and sharing valuable content. Think of it as showing up to a party: you don’t want to be the person who only talks about themselves. Instead, you want to be the one everyone goes to for the best advice and insider tips.

To drive this point home, let’s talk about a savvy SEO consultant we know. His main way of getting new business? Simply hanging out in a Facebook group dedicated to SEO enthusiasts. He doesn’t pitch or spam—he just gives thoughtful, helpful answers. Over time, people start noticing that he really knows what he’s talking about. And then, the magic happens: the DMs start rolling in. People reach out, asking for his help. Now, this is his primary way of drumming up new business as a self-employed consultant.

So, get out there and start mingling in those online communities. Your next big client could be just a thoughtful comment away!

Suggest a Free Sales Hack

Got a completely free hack to find sales leads? Share it with us below, and we might just include it in our list. If we do, we’ll make sure to thank you, and also to credit you if you like.

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