Business Owners, Sales Managers, and Sales Trainers – Maximise Sales Training Results

Sales training is expensive, get the best return on your investment by using the App Platform that maximises the results with ongoing coaching and communication customised for you and your team.

This innovative SaaS platform revolutionizes the way sales managers and trainers coach and train sales people. It’s a customised follow up that extends the training and continues the actions and the results. 

The Coach Trigger App is the sales training tool that uses the latest technology to boost sales and give companies of all sizes the very best ROI on the training they give their teams.

‘Say goodbye to outdated methods and hello to a new era of sales training excellence.’

Discover more about Coach Trigger at:

The Coach Trigger platform gives managers and trainers the following:

  • Quickly analyse specific issues holding back your teams or individuals.
  • Easily detect coaching and training requirements to boost sales.
  • Follow up daily, weekly, and monthly training based on real evidence.
  • Give your team the tools to encourage self coaching leading to growth.
  • A transparent reporting system for all levels of users and managers.
  • Add point scoring to motivate with create competitive reward systems.
  • Create an accessible library of training and motivational videos and documents.
  • Plus, live support chat lets you get the most out of the platform.
  • Community function allows networking, knowledge sharing and video meetings.

And the Coach Trigger team will help you customise the App for your business.

Who Uses Coach Trigger

If you have sales people – You Will Benefit By Using Coach Trigger

Selling through sales agents?

The Coach Trigger App puts sales information, tasks, and facts and figures in the hands of sales agents, freelancers, telesales, or appointment makers. Motivate your sales partners with sales and commission results. Upload copies of your sales or product knowledge training to help agents put it to good use. Give agents what they need to perform at their best. Get the best results from all your sales partners by using Coach Trigger.

Running a small business with a small sales team?

The Coach Trigger App keeps sales and product training in front of your sales people. Give sales people a copy of your sales training Power Point. Customise the App to include example call scripts, introductions, and objections responses. Add updates or reminders. Set tasks and objectives such as prospecting goals and sales results. Run reward schemes professionally with live information. For the very best return on your investment in your sales people, use Coach Trigger.

Large teams of field or telesales sellers?

Large teams need communication tools. Customise Coach Trigger to give them the sales information they need to hand. Use the community and contact features to encourage team work. Instantly get updates in front of all your team, no matter how large. Set tasks, communicate important information. And add your product or sales training courses so the training continues producing results long after the classroom sessions. Find out more about what Coach Trigger can do for you.

Find Out More – Book A Discovery Meeting

The best way to understand all the benefits for your business is to book a Discovery Meeting.

Meet online with an advisor from the Coach Trigger team, not a sales person. They’ll explain how Coach Trigger works and show you how you can customise the platform to align it with the sales training you provide, your sales model, and your business goals.

There is also a free trial of the platform if you don’t want to dive straight in yet.

Book your discovery meeting at:

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