offers the best solution on how to find sales agents for your business. You will get your advert in front of thousands of professional sales agents.
However, to get the best agents to respond to your opportunity you need to put some effort into the ad text so that the opportunity you are offering is clearly and quickly communicated to the agents that see it. To help you accomplish this we have written some guidelines for creating effective sales agent adverts.
- The length of the advert
- What information should your advert include
- How to take your advert to the next level
- Let us make your advert as effective as possible
The length of the advert
To keep the attention of sales agents scanning adverts for new opportunities it’s generally good advice not to let the text drag out with too much detail or repetition of information.
If you want to keep the attention of the reader you should keep the text relatively short, to the point, and only include the most essential information that shows the professionalism and uniqueness of your company, your products, and the opportunity you offer.
There is also a problem with some adverts that we receive that are ridiculously short and uninformative.
Here is a specific (real world) example of text for an advert that we received that is lacking substantially in information:

No information on the background of the company, no information about what kind of dresses, no pictures, no information about which areas they want sales agents to cover, no information about commission, etc.
To write a really effective advert of the right length we recommend that you write a longer advert with all the information you want to communicate to potential sales agents, and then shorten it by cutting out any unnecessary or repeated information and keep just your main selling points and essential information.
Remember, your advert is there to attract sales agents so that they will contact you for more information.
What information should your advert include?
At a bare minimum we recommend that your advert should include:
- A brief introduction of your company. How long have you been established? Where are you located? What are your areas of expertise?
- Basic information about the products/services that you want sales agents to sell. Include the strongest USP (unique selling point) of your products and why they should be attractive to potential buyers.
- Which market sectors you want the sales agent to sell to and which geographical areas you want covered.
- What kind of support you will be offering your agents. Will they get access to your CRM-system, will you provide them with sales leads, marketing material, or products to be used for demonstration purposes? Considering that sales agents work on commission only you should demonstrate in the advert that you care about your agents and are willing to put some time and resources in to increasing their likelihood of succeeding.
- You should also include some general information about commission rates. If you don’t want to give a specific number in the ad that is perfectly fine. Will agents make one off sales or get repeat business from customers, this is important and something agents will want to know.
- You should also include full contact information with the full name of the contact person, phone number, and e-mail. Being partly anonymous is not a great strategy for gaining trust.
How to take your advert to the next level
By including the information listed above you are on your way to creating a good advert.
But “good” might not be good enough so here are some additional recommendations (in no particular order) on how to take your advert searching for sales agent to the next level:
- Remember that you are searching for an independent sales agent not an employed sales person. Therefore you should convey an attitude that you are looking for partners in sales – rather than you being their boss.
- Do you use sales agents already? And are they successful? If so you should mention that in the ad. It increases the credibility of your opportunity.
- Sales agents will often be working for several principals within the same market sector simultaneously. Specify that you are okay with that.
- Do you have some good pictures of your products or pictures you have used in marketing material? Send it to us and we’ll use it to spruce up the advert. If you have short catchy videos for you company that might help give an extra edge to the advert you can include those as well.
- Make it “extra safe” for agents to apply/contact you by specifying that all enquiries will be treated confidentially.
Let us make your advert as effective as possible
Writing effective adverts to attract sales agents takes time and effort. For anyone not used to writing advertising copy, and with no experience of the sales agent market, it can be a real problem to get the advert just right.
So let us take away the problem and help you to create an effective advert that will attract the very best sales agents.
By purchasing our Standard or Premium service we will proof read your ad text and give you constructive feedback and suggestions to make the advert as effective as possible. The service also has many more benefits such as proactive promotion of your advert, and sending it to our data base of registered sales agents.