Do you love outdoor activities? You are not alone as there is a huge market for all kinds of equipment for making outdoor activities as fun as possible. Everything from cycling, fishing, camping, and so on. has a constant influx of opportunities that are perfect for business oriented sport & outdoor enthusiasts. These Include traditional sales agent opportunities, agency opportunities, and distributor opportunities.
Check if there is a product you believe in among the listed opportunities below. You should also consider becoming a member with us and our team will actively look for relevant and lucrative opportunities for you.
Opportunities in the Sport & Outdoor Market

With a portfolio of 18 globally recognized brands, Implus has an extensive presence across over 60 countries and offices in…

Reesink UK is the exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland for the world leading range of Toro professional turf…
Don’t miss the new opportunities in the Sport & Outdoor sector. Register today!
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- We won’t spam you. You can choose to sign-up to our general newsletter to get information about other opportunities. But if you don’t sign-up to the newsletter you will only get customized notifications. These are sent manually by our team and we’ll strive to only send you relevant tips.
- You can edit your profile or cancel your membership with us at anytime.
- You also get additional benefits like a member as access to our Q&A Forum and you can take advantage of special deals offered by our business partners.
- Our job is to match you with new income opportunities within the area that you are interested in. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime if you have any questions and you can expect a prompt response.
- The membership fee is £7 monthly
See the full list of membership benefits and become a member here.
Find Sales Agents working in the Sport & Outdoor sector
Contact us and include some information about the products you want agents to sell. We have many agents interested in opportunities in the Sport & Outdoor sector. One of our account managers will get back to you with information and a suggestion shortly thereafter.